
Better Love Now 01.55

Money is like a land mine in marriage -- it lies quietly in the field, until one day you step on it a certain way and it explodes. Problems with money fester over time, bringing feelings of distrust and disrespect. These feelings can easily turn into alienation in marriage.

I'd like to give a few quick biblical principles on money in marriage. Not only are these found in the Bible; they're also found in real life. When I thought about each of these, I remembered a particular face and a historical conflict that I'd had to deal with in counseling. If you get these straight, it will save you all kinds of heartache in your marriage.

It's Our Money
"I'm the one working hard to earn the money around here, so I get to decide how we spend it." "You'd think I could get a little respect, considering that I'm the one who makes the money to keep this family going." Whenever I hear statements like these from a couple, it is a telltale sign that marriage problems are on the way. It doesn't matter if the husband works and the wife doesn't, or if they both work-- it's still all "our money." Neither spouse should say, "It's my money."

Agree on Major Expenditures
I'll never forget what a woman said to me: "He will not give me the freedom to buy a $14 dress pattern, but he will come home with $800 in tires. Somehow that's OK for him, but it's not OK for me." Even though it's our money, check with your mate before you make a major
Tommy Nelson

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that real

that real
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